The Foundation for the Advancement of Finnish Securities Markets has awarded each of the following Master’s theses with a 5,000-euro acknowledgment prize.
Alexander Wirtz | Aalto YliopistoAalto Yliopisto |
Thesis | What Matters to Finnish Individual Investors? Investment Beliefs Related to Equity Allocation |
Niko Kauppi | Helsingin Yliopisto |
Thesis | Sijoittajan riskipositio ja sen hallinta lohkoketjupohjaisessa organisaatiossa |
Jan Stellberg | HANKEN |
Thesis | Sambandet mellan företagsspecifik risk och påföljande avkastning – Vilka variabler driver anomalin? |
Kaisa Olli | Turun Yliopisto |
Thesis | Impact of ESG on Financial Performance. Empirical evidence from the European market 2002–2019” |